- Consistency (with the style guide or house style)
- Clarity
- Spelling (including precise spelling of names, places, and titles)
- Punctuation
- Missing words or additional words
- Grammar
- Syntax
- Usage
- URLs functionality
- Citations (formatting; full or missing information)
- Quotations (verbatim?; author correct?)
- Information (accurately reported?)
- Figures and Tables and their numbering
- Subheads (consistent? indention? font? numbering?)
- Superscripts matching footnotes/endnotes
- Matching pairs for quote marks and parentheses
- Check the math in columns of numbers and pie charts (percents, totals, tax rates …)
- Widows and Orphans
- Soft hypens (change to hard hyphens to keep on the same line Mr. and Jones)
- Paragraph indents
- Font face and font size consistency
- Tight/loose lines in justified text
- Repeated words or phrases
- Metaphors (original or cliches?)
- Fact checking (names, dates, times, places, past events, etc.).
- Libel checking
- Tightening sentences for flow and clarity
- Jargon and academese (make it clear)
- Charts, maps and graphics: are they correct?
- Sexist/biased language and inappropriate tone