Copyediting Checklist

  1. Consistency (with the style guide or house style)
  2. Clarity
  3. Spelling (including precise spelling of names, places, and titles)
  4. Punctuation
  5. Missing words or additional words
  6. Grammar
  7. Syntax
  8. Usage
  9. URLs functionality
  10. Citations (formatting; full or missing information)
  11. Quotations (verbatim?; author correct?)
  12. Information (accurately reported?)
  13. Figures and Tables and their numbering
  14. Subheads (consistent? indention? font? numbering?)
  15. Superscripts matching footnotes/endnotes
  16. Matching pairs for quote marks and parentheses
  17. Check the math in columns of numbers and pie charts (percents, totals, tax rates …)
  18. Widows and Orphans
  19. Soft hypens (change to hard hyphens to keep on the same line Mr. and Jones)
  20. Paragraph indents
  21. Font face and font size consistency
  22. Tight/loose lines in justified text
  23. Repeated words or phrases
  24. Metaphors (original or cliches?)
  25. Fact checking (names, dates, times, places, past events, etc.).
  26. Libel checking
  27. Tightening sentences for flow and clarity
  28. Jargon and academese (make it clear)
  29. Charts, maps and graphics: are they correct?
  30. Sexist/biased language and inappropriate tone